Dr. Cool and Pride - kids’ favorite assembly program for 30 years!

Program Details

40-minute show, with state-of-the-art production and captivating performances from our team.

Original music, storytelling and interactive dance to teach lessons with message including: PBIS, bullying, and more.

Interaction with students and teachers using catchy songs and simple physical responses to promote positive messages.

Bilingual performances available.

We will accommodate you and your district in any way possible. We want to perform at your school!


  • Forty minute program on Bullying, PBIS, and or Character Education.

  • Recognizes the social-emotional development of students

  • Interaction with students/teachers using catchy songs and simple physical responses to promote their messages

  • Two positive and energetic role-models “Dr. Cool and Pride™”

  • Focus:

    1. Every child is unique and special

    2. Follow the Golden Rule

    3. Stop and think before you act

    4. Be Respectful, Responsible and Safe – Stand up to Bullies


  • Forty minute program

  • Follow up program to ONE OF A KIND

  • Program that educates students on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his strategies on conflict resolution

  • Two positive and energetic role-models “Dr. Cool and Pride™” are striking opposites, yet get along because they learned from each other’s differences


  1. Everyone is special and unique

  2. Celebrate each other’s qualities

  3. We all want to be happy, but we must face conflict

  4. We all have the right to feel safe and be respected

Any show can be customized to your school’s hot topics, including:

  • PBIS

  • Bullying

  • Leadership

  • Resilience

  • Perseverance

  • Smart decision making

  • Safety

  • Respect